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I rescued the kitten who was terrified and stuck for 2 days, didn’t know the way home. People heard desperate mews but nobody could locate her. My dog this morning ran and barked frantically and I could find the little soul. Rushed my hand in the small gap and grabbed her….. she bit and scratched my hand all over but once I took her in a secluded place she was calm and her eyes shined as she wanted to thank me. Safely I placed her with her mother and siblings. Stepped out with pee and poop all over my clothes and hands bleeding but with a feeling of pride.

In most cases it’s either too late to rescue or we are not aware on what should be done to rescue an animal. My word to all is that just push yourself into situations when you can do the best you can. It will be a memory you will cherish for a lifetime.

Lyncia Noronha
World For All – Animal Adoptions

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